‘Pause’ and Applause for Davidoff’s New Luxury Cigar Sampler
Enjoying a savory cigar now and then is one of the finer pleasures in life, but we don’t always have the time to smoke a whole stogie. ‘Pause’, an assortment of five distinct, designer cigars, was recently released by Davidoff, with on-the-go people in mind. “Luxury when time is a luxury.’ says Charles Awad, a Senior Vice President at Oettinger Davidoff AG.
The selection ranges from full bodied to smooth cigars paired with flavorful tobaccos satisfying for any occasion or personal palate. Each are designed to be enjoyed in 35 minutes or less. The collection is comprised of a “Millenium Blend” short robusto, a “Puro d’Oro” sublimes, an “Entreacto,” a Davidoff Nicaragua, as well as a “Primeros,” which can be smoked in under fifteen minutes for those in a real crunch for time.
You can snag this bad boy for around $46.00 at Davidoff appointed merchants and stores. Included with the sampler is a cigar strength guide to help you select the perfect smoke for every moment, making this the ultimate luxury sampler. For a more descriptive rundown of these five blends take a peek at Cooper’s list: http://www.cigar-coop.com/2015/01/cigar-news-davidoff-pause.html